The Happy Fits
Paste Studio Live 01/09/2018: Session Outro (Transcript)
Band: Thank you!
Host: Nice, man. It's dangerous, that cello.
Calvin Langman: It is with the end-pin out.
Host: It can get a little precarious. Yeah. Gotta watch the bow.
Everybody, these are The Happy Fits.
[Ross Monteith and Langman wave]
Langman: Hey, everyone!
Host: So the EP that came out is Awfully Apeelin’. You can find that in all of your local streaming services and whatnot. Pick that up. Obviously, the website is, is that right?
Langman: Yes.
Host: And there are some dates coming up I know. Tomorrow night in Philadelphia?
Langman: Yes.
Host: And then back here Friday night in New York City at KGB Bar downtown.
Davis: Yup.
Langman: Mmhm.
Host: So go check these guys out and pick up Awfully Apeelin' and look out for new music in 2018, yeah?
Band: Yeah!
Host: Alright. Any hints as to when we can look out for that record?
Monteith: Well the first single is definitely dropping in February.
Host: Alright. Was that it? Was "Achey Bones" the first single? Or no?
Langman: Could be. We don't know. Stay tuned! [Laughs]
Host: Yeah, we’ll leave it a mystery. That's alright. You can leave it mysterious. But everyone, check out The Happy Fits. These are great songs, and guys thank you so much for coming to Paste and playing in our studio.
Band: Thank you for having us.
Host: Yeah, yeah. Please come back. The record's out, we're gonna have you guys back, you'll play again.
Davis: Awesome. Would love to.
Langman: Would love that. Thank you.
Host: Alright. Thanks, guys.