Jack River
The River Part II
There is no colour in the waterfall
The rushing spiral swirls
Sink and swim like diamonds
Fall and burn
Quiet like night
I watched the river flowing
Past the silver rotting eans
The silver substance glowing
Into Lizard Women's hans
Their scaled are thick with stories
Of rivers long ago
They took at me with fearful words
That taun the rivers flow
The new world is worth waiting for
Shed not your wrinkled skin
A flood is dreaming upstream
A flood is coming in
I walked trough crystal spaceships
Made promises with clouds
Walked into spinning deserts
Under ageing Times Squares crowds
I drank the LA Sunset
On trains to nowhere bound
On the last night of the summer
For you
So I clinged to distant longing
Like sun rays to the skin
But in the fall at every Californina sun
I saw a dream of freedom, melting
Off a broken ticking clock
Floating slowly to the Ocean
Down a stream
I wondered where it was going
And why for there it was flowing
The a boy inside the dream he spoke to me
And said, so softly
We are nowhere, we are nowhere
We are nowhere, but here
We are nowhere, we are nowhere
We are nowhere, but here
We are nowhere, we are nowhere
We are nowhere, but here
We are nowhere, we are nowhere
We are nowhere, but here
We are nowhere, we are nowhere
We are nowhere, but here
We are nowhere, we are nowhere
We are nowhere, but here