My cuticles taste like bread
ASM1 Productions, #MLG (Squash me)
Fünf, vier, drei, zwei (Juan), AAAA

We only head-glitch with our favorite SMG
ASM1, ASM1-1
When I am bored, I jerk off to a picture of it
It's my one true love, ASM1

This song's only famous because of the countdown
Fünf, vier, drei, zwei, Juan
Everyone who smokes koosh, light it up now
Turn the fuck up, bitch (Swag!)

We only head-glitch with our favorite SMG
When I am bored, I'll splooge all over it
It's my one true love, ASM1

[Song Outro]
Come on, let's camp, ASM1
Let's abuse ASM1
Wait, the ASM1 got nerfed?
Well, time to use the Bal
Click this box if you haven't seen the video before
I love peanut brittle!