We lose a lot of things every day, we all do, we either lose money, flights, matches, bets, timber or we at least we lose our minds
I've lost a lot of things in my life
But i found out that the most painful kind of losing, is losing people, people who you cared about, people who you thought are going to stay with you for ever
Friends, family, a girl friend a boyfriend, a wife a husband, a son a daughter
When you lose these kind of people, the pain is doubled, The Pain is doubled
But I'm not talking about losing them as in dying No
I'm talking while they are still alive and we lose people because of stupid fights and arguments
Now I'm not saying I'm perfect cuz i lost of people in my life over stupid shit too man
But the reason why I'm sharing this with you is because i realized that i need to appreciate the people in my life more
I need to try to fix some of the past
And you should to
If you had a problem with someone who passed away, then forgive them, Forgive them in your heart and pray for them
But if they are still alive, pick up the damn phone right now and call them, and you know what kind of people I'm talking about
If you don't fix these things, they will stay on your mind forever they will be in your heart forever and it'll affect you
You see people are what turn a dark night into a colored night
Gofran , Peace