[Speech : Eminem]
They Can’t Really tell me, they can not tell me what I should say or what I shouldn’t say, because they don’t know my life , they don’t know how my life has been , if they knew how my life was ,maybe they’d understand , but I don’t think they even wanna take the time ,and I don’t want ‘em to take the time to understand my life , I’m not trying to cry a fucking sob story , and try to say , you know ,”Well My Life Is So Hard & This is Why I Am The way I Am“, you know , I don’t wanna ,I don’t want ,I don’t wanna cry a sob story , but people just don’t know me , they don’t know what I’m about , or why I say the things I say
And all I’m doing really, is taking shit that’s wrong with the world , and * ahem*, Poking fun at it I’m having fun with it
A lot of people chose to ignore what’s wrong with the world , the poverty , the homelessness , you know violence ,rape and all of that shit , everyone choses to ignore it and pretend that it doesn’t exist , I address it , you know ,and that’s what a lot of people don’t like