Damon Intrabartolo
[FATHER FLYNN]: (spoken)
People come to the church in times like these for answers
But, I have none
Most words seem to fall empty
But I'll try
It's a horrible thing that no one should have to go through
A friend at such a young age
You know- you should know, Peter- that he's in a better place
We'll always ask ourselves
If there was something more that could've been done
That's natural
[PETER]: (spoken)
Do you ask yourself that, Father?
[FATHER FLYNN]: (spoken)
[PETER]: (sung)
He went to you for guidance
You hid behind a screen
Knowing how much empathy might mean
Did you know how much he loved?
Did you know how much he cared?
Lost in the teachings was a boy
So all alone and scared
Father, we were so in love
And that's what I find so odd
Our love was pure
And nothing brought me closer to God
[FATHER FLYNN]: (spoken)
I'm sorry, Peter
[PETER]: (spoken)
And I forgive you, Father