Please call out my name and end my sadness
Heal this broken heart, a haunting madness

Painted on a canvas that deceives me
I will bleed all of my feelings


Drowning in my own fantasy
This illusions' beyond my reach

"What do you think this warmth could be?"
Melting me, my chest bears this heat

Laughter, smiles they eat away
Everything of me every day
Yes, I've come to accept my fate
For my life will always be painted in gray

Is this what I desire - surrendering to lies?
If this is what you wanted...

Then tell me why!

Yearning to embed this love within me
Overflowing pain spills from my heartbeat
Forever away, your voice grows distant
Fear and doubt, of your existence

If your lovely shape, vibrant and touching
Shatters from its form and fades to nothing

Then I'd rather live on without seeing
I'll live on this lie I need


Lost illusions, they're mocking me
Testing everything I believe

"What kind of world do your eyes see?"
Echoing, the answers I see are in gray

For a moment it's stopping
Time in eternity

As reality stripped me of all my sanity

Please call out my name!
Please end my sadness!
Heal this broken heart!
If all time itself loses its meaning
If this world erases every feeling

Then every piece of hope that I've been painting
Would have all been made for nothing

Just a little more, stay in denial
Just a little more, to see you smile

If my aching voice still isn't reaching
Then for god's sake, please just kill me!

Please call out my name and end this sadness
Heal this broken heart, a haunting madness

Painted on a canvas that deceives me
I will bury all my feelings

Memories of love that slowly kill me
Burn it with my wounded heartbeat

Let the flames consume my soul and body
In your loving sweet embrace
