Valley Hush
The River
It's morning and today is one for the pages
I get the feeling that you will forget your age
So close your eyes, baby
Nothing matters anymore
Except if you can skip this stone across the river

There will be days like this of golden privilege
That knock the wind right out
Of that organ you call your tattered, broken heart
Tell me it ain't whole right now
Upon realizing you're everything around you and the Universe
No need for dialogue when our eyes can talk
And say, "I love ya"
Oooh-oooh, I love ya
I love ya

Mid-afternoon when you stumble upon an oasis
You stop and wonder, "how can I take this all in?"
Overwhelmed by the thought of something impossible
So you pick up a stone and skip it across the river

There will be days like this of golden privilege
That knock the wind right out
Of that organ you call your tattered, broken heart
Tell me it ain't whole right now
Upon realizing you're everything around you and the Universe
No need for dialogue when our eyes can talk
And say, "I love ya"
Oooh-oooh, I love ya
Oooh-oooh, I love ya
Oooh-oooh, I love ya