Congress MusicFactory
Tu Voz
Tengo la fuerza y la valentía, para hacer carne tu palabra
I have the strength and the courage, to make Your word become flesh
Pues soy el fruto de tu voz, y en ella santificado soy
For I am the fruit of Your voice and in it I am sanctified
Te oigo a cada instante, día a día soy mas como tu
I hear You at every instant, day by day I am more like You
Fui echo a tu voluntad, y me sostengo con tu voz
I was made for Your will, and I am sustained by Your voice
Mi vida es un barco que izo sus velas
My life is a ship that has hoisted its sails
Que quiere ser guiado por el soplo de tu voz
That wants to be guided by the breath of Your voice
Eres tu quien define mi proceso y mi destino
You are who defines my process and my destination
Solo me conduce el sonido de tu voz
Only the sound of Your voice leads me
Háblame, que tu siervo oye bien
Speak to me, Your servant hears well
Háblame, obedecerte me hace bien
Speak to me, obeying You makes me whole