Congress MusicFactory
I Worship You Prayer
“I worship You”
Those are holy words reserved for Him alone; only to Him alone
“I worship You”
I exalt You, lift You up and I praise You. You alone are worthy to receive my worship. You are worthy to receive my praise
I exalt You. I worship You. I bless You. Let my lips praise You now and forever. Let my soul bless You today and forever O God. For You alone are worthy to receive all of my praise
There is no being, nothing that exists to whom I say these words: “I worship You”
There is no one else. Nothing that exists in Time or in Eternity will ever receive these words reserved for You and You alone: “I worship You" Everlasting One. I worship You Almighty God, Great King of the Heavens. I worship You my Creator, my Redeemer and my God. I worship You
"I worship You"