Congress MusicFactory
Unto You

We lift our eyes (Men)
We lift our hands (Women)
We lift our voice in praise (All Harmonised)

We give our love (Men)
Unto You (Women)
We give our strength (Men)
Unto You (Women)
We give our lives in worship (All Harmonised)

Unto You (women) [Unto You (men)]
Unto You (women) [Only You (men)]
We give our worship(harmony)
All of our praise
Unto You

Unto You (men) [Unto You (women)]
Unto You (men) [Only You (women)]
We give our worship(harmony)
All of our praiseUnto You

We lift our eyes (Women)
Unto You (Men)
We lift our hands (Women)
Unto You (Men)
We lift our voice in praise (All Harmonised)

We give our Love (Men)
Unto You (Women)
We give our strength (Men)
Unto You (Women)
We give our lives in worship (All Harmonised)

Unto You (women) [Unto You (men)]
Unto You (women) [Only You (men)]
We give our worship (harmony)
All of our praise
Unto You

Unto You (men) [Unto You (women)]
Unto You (men) [Only You(women)]
We give our worship (harmony)
All of our praise
Unto You

I bless You. I bless You. I lift up my hands towards Your throne and towards Your presence. I lift up my heart towards Your holy name. In the midst of my life holy things arise and ascend unto God. In the midst of my life there are sacred offerings flowing up unto You. I lift up sacrifices of praise, the fruit of my lips giving thanks unto Your Name. I come before Your presence and I bring an offering unto You

Unto You (women)
[Unto You (men)]
Unto You (women) [Only You (men)]
We give our worship (harmony)
All of our praise
Unto You

Unto You (men) [UntoYou (women)]
Unto You (men) [(Only You (women)]
We give our worship (harmony)
All of our praise
Unto You

We give our worship
All of our praise
Unto You
We give our worship
All of our praise
Unto You
We give our worship
All of our praise
Unto You