Popo the Genie

Dad, can I ask you something? What's Mr. Popo?
Ha, well, son... first rule of Popo's training...
first rule of Popo's training!
Not his training, dad... him! What is he? Besides an uncomfortable reminder of a dark time in race relations, I mean. Is he an alien? Some kind of clown man? Golliwog? What?
Ohhh, I think I see what you're asking! Well, son, maybe this little song will help you understand...

[Verse 1]

Popo the genie is a dark and evil soul
With a heart as black as Cell's buttcrack
And destruction as his goal
Popo the genie has a thing for LSD
And each time he trips, his darkness slips
Into all the children's dreams
There must have been some evil in the inky void of space
For it took on form and substance and
A terrifying face
Popo the genie was alive, well, maybe,
For he's sometimes said
"I might be undead!" with a dark, sadistic glee
Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
I know you're singing about me, maggots

I don't think I like this song, dad...

No one does, Gohan
He lives on Kami's lookout and surveys the world below
He'd destroy us but his soul is soothed
By the pot plants that he grows
Popo the genie is an affront to God's plan
And when we're both gone he will still live on
In the fearful heart of man!


[Goku]: Now do you understand?
[Gohan]: I think so... we're all living on borrowed time, aren't we, dad?
[Goku]: We always were, Gohan... we always were