CHIKARA Young Lions Cup I Night II
Young Lions Cup I Semi Final Match

Hallowicked defeats Gran Akuma (7:34)

Young Lions Cup I Semi Final Match

Mister ZERO defeats Ultramantis (9:33)

Best Two Out Of Three Falls Eight Man Tag Team Match

DJ Skittlez, Ichabod Slayne, Love Bug and Mike Quackenbush defeat Blind Rage, Jigsaw and The Wild Cards (Eddie Kingston and Jack Marciano) [2:1]

- Eddie Kingston defeated Love Bug
- DJ Skittlez and Love Bug defeated Jack Marciano
- Ichabod Slayne defeated Blind Rage

Two On One Handicap Match

Marshall Law defeats The Senior Assault Team (Lester Crabtree and Melvin Snodgrass) (0:18)

CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title Young Lions Cup I Final Match

Hallowicked defeats Mister ZERO (12:32) - TITLE CHANGE !!!