CHIKARA Son of The International Invasion of the International Invaders- Stage I
Tag Team Match
Lancelot (Lance Steel and Lance Steel ) defeat Darkness Crabtree and Dr. Cheung (8:48)
Singles Match
Sumie Sakai defeats Allison Danger (6:29)
ICW/ICWA Tex-Arkana Television Title Match
Larry Sweeney (c) defeats Jervis Cottonbelly (6:44)
Singles Match
Rorschach defeats Shiima Xion (6:11)
Singles Match
Gran Akuma defeats Eddie Kingston by KO (9:18)
Singles Match
Chris Hero defeats Adam Knight (11:02)
Singles Match
Claudio Castagnoli defeats KUDO by KO (9:28)
CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title Match
Shane Storm (c) defeats Icarus (9:20)
Six Man Tag Team Match
The Black T-Shirt Squad (Mike Quackenbush and Reckless Youth) and Jigsaw defeat Chuichiro Arai, Milano Collection AT and Skayde (18:38)