CHIKARA The Zodiac Crimes
Tag Team Match
The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield and Mark Angelosetti) (w/Veronica) defeat The Bravado Brothers (Harlem Bravado and Lancelot Bravado) (13:41)
Singles Match
Ophidian defeats Gran Akuma (7:21)
Singles Match
Saturyne defeats Amber O'Neal (7:55)
Singles Match
The Mysterious And Handsome Stranger defeats Walter Eaton (3:04)
Tag Team Match
Jakob Hammermeier and Tim Donst defeat The Swarm (deviANT and Soldier Ant) (8:44)
Singles Match
assailANT defeats Sugar Dunkerton (3:54)
Ten Man Tag Team Match
Mike Quackenbush, The Colony (Fire Ant and Green Ant) and The Spectral Envoy (Hallowicked and UltraMantis Black) defeat Team FIST (Chuck Taylor and Icarus), The Batiri (Kodama and Obariyon) and The Shard (20:59)