CHIKARA Zelda The Great
Gavin sings "CHIKARA's Just What I Needed"

Six Man Tag Team Match

The Batiri (Kobald, Kodama and Obariyon) (w/Ophidian) defeat Da Soul Touchaz (Acid Jaz, Marshe Rockett and Willie Richardson) (12:56)

Tag Team Match

The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive and Max Smashmaster) (w/Sidney Bakabella) defeat Garth Algar and Wayne Campbell (0:57)

Singles Match

El Generico defeats The Shard (10:36)

Tag Team Match

Team FIST (Chuck Taylor and Johnny Gargano) defeat The Swarm (deviANT and Soldier Ant) (9:21)

Singles Match

Colt Cabana defeats Mike Quackenbush (9:16)

Six Man Tag Team Match

Jimmy Jacobs and The Bravado Brothers (Harlem Bravado and Lancelot Bravado) defeat Jigsaw and The Colony (assailANT and Fire Ant) (11:54)

Singles Match

Tim Donst (w/Jakob Hammermeier) defeats Gran Akuma (9:10)

Four Way Tag Team Elimination Match

3.0 (Scott Parker and Shane Matthews) defeat Team FIST (Icarus and Sugar Dunkerton) and Sapphire and The Mysterious And Handsome Stranger and The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield and Mark Angelosetti) (w/Veronica) (21:43)

- Angelosetti eliminated Stranger (14:10)
- Matthews eliminated Icarus (17:49)
- Matthews eliminated Angelosetti (21:43)

CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls Match

The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson) (c) defeat The Spectral Envoy (Hallowicked and UltraMantis Black) [2:1] (28:57)

- Matt Jackson defeated UltraMantis Black (2:11)
- The Spectral Envoy defeated The Young Bucks (10:22)
- The Young Bucks defeated The Spectral Envoy (16:24)