Girl Ray
Like The Stars
Light from the dark
Bleeds  from the house
To  her rental car
Knew since I saw her in her
Billie Jean shorts
Lying  on the sofa with
Coffee  and gold

Drive for a mile
Down  to the water where
The rocks fell down
I look at you babe
I have since town
Underwater  then
You hold my hand

And it hurts
But take your time
I’ll hold the line
Like the stars
In the sky
You are so bright

Back at the house
Wax smells of honey and the
Moon’s all out
Poured me wine and
Kissed my mouth
I’ve been hurt so
Don’t let me down

I’d write a book
Bout all the things I
Like about you
It’s kinda hard when I
Want you like I do
But take your time
It’s gotta be cooked

And it hurts
But take your time
I’ll hold the line
Like the stars
In the sky
You are so bright