Ripped the head of Mr. Bear
But he’d had his run
Crushes bugs with his bare hands
Innocent enough
He’s just a kid
He doesn’t know
What is right and what is wrong
It’s okay, he’ll learn in time
He’s a good boy
Gives his baby sister hell
Pokes hard so she cries
Tied a rocket to the cat
But boys will be boys
He’s older now
But he’s still young
He just confuses right and wrong
I’ll bet you I was just as wild
He’s a normal child
Charming when he feels like being
Seen it a few times
But I don’t feel what I’d call love
When I’m looking into his eyes
Sometimes I feel
Like he’s not mine
That boy is Rosemary’s child
It’s just a phase
Just in my mind
Really everything’s fine