Mariam Wallentin
Death, No Less
My enemy is twice dead and I still have him (x3)

All our lives are symbols
Everything we do is part of a pattern
The strong make their own patterns
And influence other people's
The weak
The weak, the unlucky and the stupid

After all
That's what men are for
Women can give birth
And men can kill

The Wasp Factory is part of the pattern because it is part of life and - even more so - of death. The Factory can answer questions because every question is a start looking for an end, and the Factory is about the End - death, no less.

All our lives are symbols
Everything we do is part of a pattern
The strong make their own patterns
And influence other people's
The weak
The weak, the unlucky and the stupid

After all
That's what men are for
Women can give birth
And men can kill