Lil Jon
Welcome (MA: AFPG)
Hey, it's Lil Jon
Welcome to Manifest Abundance: Affirmations for Personal Growth

I'm blessed to have done many things in my life
But I have a secret that I haven't shared widely before
About how I actually go about accomplishing my goals
It's a simple secret and a powerful one
You see, whenever I want to do something, I close my eyes and I sit with it
I visualize whatever I want to achieve
If I want to make a hit record, I imagine it
If I want to have a great set, I еnvision it
If I want to just feel at peace with myself, I put that thought in my mind

So whеnever I actually accomplish something, I've done it twice
Once in my mind and then I manifest those thoughts into action
This is the power of mental imagery
This is the power of your mind
This is the power of manifestations

I teamed up with Kabir Sehgal to create these meaningful manifestations for you
But what exactly is a manifestation?
It begins with an affirmation
You think or say something positive and then you gradually manifest these affirmations into reality
I admit when I first started to practice and repeat these affirmations, I thought it was a little, "Ehh, I don't know"
"Will it work? Maybe"
Just imagining a goal doesn't mean you going to make it happen
But it does help to settle and focus your mind
If you believe, then so it shall be (So it shall be)
I will like you to repeat all of the affirmations that you hear on the album after me
If there is something that I say that really resonates with you deeply, please go ahead and repeat it again and again
You could also just sit quietly and absorb the words
When you practice, listen and recite these manifestations, you'll find that things that may have distracted you begin to melt away
Your mind will focus in on the essential steps, the steps needed to manifest your aspirations

So let's embark upon this journey towards manifesting your dreams and living the life you've imagined