Lil Morty - Indian Stick (neel distrack)
Yeah, Yeah
Listen Neel you ain't got shit on me
You ain't got shit on my friends, yeah
Stop seriously, your not relevant
Neel you hedgehog looking shit you pakistani bitch
I beat your ass once now i'll just use my wish
I pray to god you'll find somebody, someone take you up above
Your parents don't even want to see your face
Oh my god, I feel bad
Who the fuck you talkin to when you feel sad
You try to talk shit about all these other bitches, but you're hiding the fact that you're hiding in the ditches
Be a man bro, pull the fuck up
(don't take it to hard it's just a joke, not that serious)
This bitch think he's funny
Yeah (music plays)
This bitch's face pisses me off
You used to be such uptight geez
No offense yeah, round 2 bitch
You better be ready
You're poetry shit
You're a joke
You're a bitch
You really don't know how to talk some shit
Trying to fool around and ride my dick
Take a shit yeah, whiny little bitch
Oh my god who touched me, somebody help me quick
Remember that time you cried
You fucking with my psychology
But your voice lift me up that i liked to clap
And sing in the rain
Yes fucking with my shit here
Lonely life you fuck
Bitch nobody like you
Yeah, Yeah , Yeah