Talk Islam
Reality of Life
From the day we were born to the moment of time that we are in now
Allah has recorded every single second of our life
From the day we take a sight into this world of Allah's
We gotta recall ?
I mean, What Are We Doing Here
And Where Are We Going to Go
Don't ask too many questions, just go with the flow
Make as much money as you can and try not to get broke
I mean, live and die, so you leave a property for somebody else to own
I mean I'm not ready to gamble with my soul or take any chances
Simple life questions, and I'm just searching for answers
Like what are we doing here, and who made us so perfect
I mean, is this life really worth it
Please Let Me Ask You
Did You Create Yourself? Or Was It Somebody Else Who created you
You're a faultless being that's so magical
If The Whole World Was To Come Together, You couldn't even Create A Single Fly
So Many Signs Yet We Still Deny
For Everything Has It's Origins, A Creator, a Maker, a Creator Of Its Own
Every single soul
I mean don't you know that there's only One in control
Allah, Allahu Akbar, Allah the Almighty
Allah is all we need, for we need no leaders nor no powers
Allah is sufficient to take back what is ours
And if our cries get louder and clearer to the All Hearer
Turn towards He and we are only getting nearer
Or towards his speech and His Qur'an

[Qur'an Interlude]
إِن تَنصُرُوا اللَّهَ يَنصُرْكُمْ
In Tansurullaha Yansurukum

Give victory to Allah and you are guaranteed to be victorious
Go ? to Allah, and give what you can from your wealth and yourself
Remember every step of the way Allah is recording us
Seek to please He and not who He created
Don't forget the All Knowing Seeing Supreme Being is watching us
Only if life was as perfect as a beautiful picture
Well it's not, life is a reality not a game
So let's work hard

[Qur'an Interlude]
فَإِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا
Fainna Ma3al 3usri Yusraa