​kill ebola
Fuck being lowkey wanna smash sumthin
Fuck being safe grab the cash out it
Mr crabs and shit, feeding feening drug addicts
Me myself and i, tighter than a mormon's mothers clit
I’m fisting at abortion clinics, feening for attention cus you bored of living
People scrapbook cut you into portions in a
Quarter minute
Leaving corpses twitching
Aim above a piggys vest
Clip gon leave em clipping 3d printed blade dissecting necks
'Bola's back
Blow her’s out with packs of cancerous smoke
Purpose the danger, you can't dasher when the antlers is broke
Line of the sand in my nose
Cut from your hands to your toes
Put you rappers skulls on a stick to make sure my manners is shown

Scavengers swirl x2
Beaks of brains for breakfast