Oscar #worldpeace
What’s It Like
(Female vocal, singing)
Say you got to move on, yeah
Say you got to move on, yeah
And it gets easier oh no matter what they say
You got to move on,yeah
Don't mess with my head x3
(male voice speaks)
What's it like being black?
(female voices speak)
It's hard. It's a blessing
It's like, as soon as you're born you are a revolutionary
(male voice)
Why do you say that?
(female voices)
It's a really tough challenge, I remember being the only black person in my whole school and they were calling me names. I ran home crying to my mum about it
It's hard because when people say "oh my god, your hair is so fluffy" and they are petting you like you're some animal. Or when you are on a bus and a woman grabs her bag a bit tighter when you sit next to her, stuff like that
You know what, being black means that it's in your blood, and it's in your DNA, just to be sic
I love my culture, I love that black people have different cultures
I like my food. I like my skin colour, I like my hair texture
And it's a blessing to be a part of that culture, and say that you are black, and be black. The whole experience is so unique. I see it as a reward. I see it as a gift
It's a blessing
I love being black