Bitch I'm Goldeen without you,
Yeah just like the Pokémon.
You think I'm here crying?
Well damn your wrong!
I'm high in the sky I'm soaring,
I feel like I've been reborn!
I couldn't feel better,
while your stuck thinking bout me,
feeling under the weather...
Don't worry bout me bitch
Or whatever the hell I do,
Just worry bout you and your new dude...
I'm kinda sorry for him though because I know what you do,
Cause he's going to need a lot of luck to deal with all the shit you'll put him through...
But in the end I thank you for all the shit you put me through,
Cause all that crap made me stronger,
Gave me a new vision, something I can work toward, something I can be proud of...
Thanks alot for breaking my heart!
In the end you'll be regretting that decision daily,
While I'm taking care of my beautiful family and thanking you while we're on a ferry.