Kanye East
I Love To Eat Duck
Kanye is white
Biden balls be salty
I am gay, laugh my fucking ass off
Yo, add me
Kanye, that was so amazing, ten out of ten
Obama's black, heart emoji
Sussy balls, n***a balls
I love Kanye West
Osama loves balls

Lil Nas X went to heaven
Kanye East is sus
Poop myself
Juliette is black
Whoa, whoa

Kanye East, Kanye is sus
Sussy testicles
Ha ha ha ha
Laugh my fucking ass off
Sussy hamster
Manny or Mini

EDP445, Lil Nas X poop
Graduation balls
Steve Harvey has tasty hair
Burnt shrimp, you here
Hot dog fifty seven
My dad fucked Kanye
MF Doom is gay and black
I like balls, Tyler steals memes
Tyler Hannah wet the bed
Sissy balls, I love gay dudes
MF Doom is my dad

Ball collage
Brandon Recker balls
I'm a child predator
Kanye East is nineteen dollar Fortnite card
John Wuzan

One percent homie
EDP445, sussy balls
Mom sent a half went to the beat
I'm inbred, MF Doom is white
Pop sock

I have a bomb on the plane
I love to eat duck
Donald Trump is hot
I have a bomb in my garage
Touching Make A Wish kids

I shot up the special ed class
Trump is black
I like gay boys, balls
Sussy baka, monkey mode engage
I'm a sussy Kanye
Trump likes black women
Nintendo is gay
Biden Rule34, monkey balls
Bro, who is gay?
Bro, I like fat n***a balls
Gay is hot
Bush did 9/11

Iris did nothing wrong, n***a Cheerios
My balls are white
Andre is white
Sissy ball, gay
Poopy, Kanye is better than Kanye
I smell Among Us

Penetration to Donald Trump's wall
I love programming
I shot up the orphan document center
I love this
I like eight years olds
We love gay men

Hitler did 9/11
Sussy balls, Rodrick is gay