Artificial Brain
Insects and Android Eyes
False calm descends upon a junkyard where once was a battle
The ghosts of a million machines marching
Chemicals and metals have stripped the ground barren
But elsewhere the plants overflow
The trees stretch to the clouds reaching for me

A mechanized architecture annihilating all it encountered
Until angered, a planet disgorged magma from its gut

Melting flesh to metal, now the ashes sеttle
A rotting mass of mutated materials

A moltеn stain attached to a frame
Wires strewn around, flailing in the wind
A random flame, bursting like propane
Corroded, ancient bomb, rusting in exposure
A giant exoskull half buried in the ground
Insects nesting in its eyes, feeding off the mound

The evening air still smells of reeking sulfur
Forgetting failures, the world grows over


Unrelenting cycle
The free flow of air
A wobbling sun, like milk, its light nurtures growth
The moon is steadfast, rotating the tides of sweeping shores
All cells evolve, adding to eventual sum
Nature is resolved to undo all that man has done