Please Help Me
My name Jeff
Kung Fu Kenny
New Fried Rice mixtape
Please help me
My name Jeff
My name Jeff (Kung Fu Kenny)
My name Jeff (New Fried Rice mixtape)
My name Jeff (Please help me)
My name Jeff
Please help me
Please help me
Please help me
Please help me
Please help me
Please help me
Please help me
Please help

Jeff. Please help Jeff. Please help my penis drugs inserted into my Jeff. Because my name is Jeff. You need to understand that my name is Jeff. You should know that ever since Jeffery freed himself from the unbearing slavery that is this world it has opened my mind up to the solution to my unneeded existence, which at the first fading moments liberated me from the scratching torturous event that is called my living and breathing. With each and every day that I live is another reason added to the uncountable amount of reasons I must perish from this life, which is why I Jeff thinking of all the wonder it would do me if I were to truly disappear. As I settle the Jeff in my name, my plan of true vanishing was only the true beginning of my destiny. Then all I needed to do is to finish the cuts, swallow the pills, tighten the rope, and cock the gun up against my jaw. All I needed to do was finish the job, and now I have vanished. It is too late to say it now, but I will say it for guilt. Please help me. Please help me. Please help me. Please help me. I am Jeff, and please help me. My name is Jeff.