last summer this summer
u were always there
no one ever looked at me like u did
when we met
Im tryina get u back
but somethings holdin back
my head is hurtin yea, my heart is bleeding yea..
but i aint never gonna stop
imma keep comin back
never will i ever be a champion
without u by myside
imma die on my own
what u want tonight
i can give it to you right
i been bad for a long time
i been missin, so i cry
i just want u by myside
u my moonlight u so bright
u keep me up at night
i been textin you, midnights..
wherever i go
baby all i see is u
eastpak filled with dope
i cant smoke it without u
and all these drugs im takin
i match them they are so painful
im drownin i cant handle
i miss u, u my baby..