Sidney Gish
No Ragrets (Live @ Busking Day 2015)
[Verse 1]
Throwback to my entire life
Seen through a broken-down viewfinder
Neurologists would call my mind
But I think I know better than those science guys

Cause I've got proof the lens is broken
And only rosy tinted slides
And recall errors are a given
I’m pretty sure my brain's a kid's toy, not a mind

But hey, at least it’s got a place
For memories, but with them comes the spirit of the staircase
But who needs longing for the things I never said?
I live by a mantra, the tattoo that I'll get will say

"No Ragrets" spelled with an A
Inked into both arms, cause it's my favorite saying
And I'll spread it to the world until I'm dead and the
Cheap tattoo is decaying

Regarding bad decisions, I make them objectively
Then scatter the truth when the blame falls back onto me
But who cares? I've no conscience to carry with me
[Verse 2]
And if you told me I'd be better in a year
A point in fourth-dimension space that's kind of far from here
I would gladly hibernate, and wait it out

I’d emerge like a butterfly
And neurotypically fly
In beautiful uncrooked lines
My wings would capture everybody’s fleeting eyes

But why live in the future or the past?
Who cares about bugs when their lives barely last
I'd rather live to 80 than die after just a day
Though that may be nice, it would be much easier to say

"No Ragrets" spelled with an A
Inked into both arms, cause it’s my favorite saying
And I'll spread it to the world until I'm dead and the
Cheap tattoo is decaying

Regarding bad decisions, I make them objectively
Then scatter the truth when the blame falls back onto me
But who cares? I've no conscience to carry with me-

That’s the way it will be