Am I intriguing?
Am I intriguing?
Am I intriguing?
Am I intriguing?
Am I intriguing?
Am I intriguing?
Am I intriguing?
Am I intriguing?
Am I intriguing?
Am I intriguing?
Am I succeeding?
Am I succeeding?
Move away
Move away
Move, move away
Don't bring that [?]
[?] fuckin' lie
Blood, blood, blood, blood, blood, blood, blood, blood
Don't bring that [?]
I've been fucking raw
Don't bring that [?], man
How hard can you strangle me
How hard can you
How hard can you strangle me
Am I intriguing?
Am I intriguing?
Am I succeeding?
M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Motherfucking wax
M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Motherfucking wax
Hold the floor can't stand you more
I fucking stab you 'til I [?]
Can't have a choice
Fuck we know, we-
Fuck we know we bring that [?]
Now we're ready
I fucking stab you 'til I-
What the f-
Tell me, tell me why
Can't stand your voice
Can't stand your voice
Can't fucking stand you, shut up
Speak to me, tell me why
Can't stand your voice
Can't stand your voice
Don't bring that [?]
Remember when you [?]
Motherfucking wax
Ah, speak to me, ah speak to me
Ah, speak to me, ah speak to me
Ah, speak to me, ah speak to me
Ah, speak to me, ah speak to me
Ah, speak to me, ah speak to me
Ah, speak to me, ah speak to me
Ah, speak to me, ah speak to me
Ah, speak to me, ah speak to me
I shot your body
The only way
I shot your body
Lose, lose lose
Hit the- hit the- hit the- hit the- hit the- [?]
Gogogogogogogogo no go no i hands
Gogogogogogogogo no go no ivy go gog o
W-w-w-w-w-w-w-what will I react
Speak to me before I can't stand your voice
Remember when you strike
W-w-w-w-w-w-w-what will I react
I shot your body
Shot- shot -shot -shot -shot
Away away away away away away away
Move away away
I'm in it
Remember when you-
I've hear it all before it's just
Fucking lies
River-river-r-r-r-river r-river
Your scream is- Your scream is- Your scream is- Your scream is-
Your scream is- Your scream is- Your scream is- Your scream is-
Your scream is- Your scream is- Your scream is- Your scream is-
Your scream is- Your scream is-
I hate you, I hate you
I hate you, I hate you
On the floor
A heart attack
On the floor
A heart attack
On the floor
A heart attack
On the floor
Move away, move away
I'll slice- I'll slice- Im slice- I'll slice- I'll slice- I'll slice- I'll slice- I'll slice- I'll slice- I'll slice this- I'll slice- I'm so lice- I'll slice this- I'll chop- I'll slice- I'll slice this- I shove lights
How will I react
Upon impact, will I react?
Speak to me, tell me why
Speak to me, tell me why
How hard can you-
How hard can you-
How hard can you go
R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R- [?]
Can't stand your voice
Can't stand your voice
Can't stand your voice
Can't stand your voice
Is that so?
Feel my heart
Is that so?
Feel my heart
Move away
The only way
Is that so?
Oh, God [?]
Speak to me, tell me why
Oh, speak to me, tell me why
Oh, speak to me, tell me why
Oh, speak to me, tell me why
Oh, speak to me, tell me why
Oh, speak to me, tell me why
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Where's the motherfucking wax?
Speak to me, tell me why
We're rolling overboard
We're rolling overboard
We're rolling overboard
We're rolling overboard
[?] world is spinning
[?] the only way
[?] Ivy
Move away
I shot your body, the only way
I shot your body, I shot your body
Beliefs bounced in the red
Beliefs bounced in the red
Beliefs bounced in the red
Beliefs bounced in the red
My dog megalo
My dog megalo
My dog megalo
My dog megalo
My dog megalo
Make a flash, ugh
Make a flash, ugh
[?] make a flash
[?] not so fast
Flashing like a
Flashing like a
Like a synagogue
Back inside like
[?] instead of white lights
Instead of white lights
Instead of white lights
Instead of white lights
Instead of white lights
Instead of white lights
Instead of white lights
Not believe your
Deep incision
Incision for your
[?] gogoogogogogogo
[?] buy
My buildings
My buildings segregate
Incinerate life, Incinerate
Mad dog, mad dog
I beseech you
I beseech you
I beseech you
I beseech you
I beseech you
I beseech you
I beseech you
I beseech you, mad dog
Don't mind me
I go frigating like a dog
I go frigating like a dog
I go frigating like a dog
[?] like wax
Police bones
Appetite, appetite
Appetite, appetite
Appetite, appetite
Appetite, appetite
Appetite, appetite
Appetite, appetite
Appetite, appetite
Appetite, appetite
Bring my dog bones bring my check bring my dog
Skits, skits, skits, skits, skits
My dog my dog my scarlet ring
And my ring
Wax wax
Mea Culpa Mea Culpa Mea Culpa Mea Culpa
Police bones
Dancing like roman manouvers
Dance like
D-d-d-d--d-d-ance like
Incinerate life incinerate
Sick of me? I wouldn't know
Sick of me?
While I sit
While I glare through my eyes
While I I spend my life enjoying shit
I put my dick when my dick we-e-w-e-we-ew-e-w-ew
With now was it with now was it
With now was it with now was it
A fucking [?]
Nowhere nowhere
Moving nowhere
[?] nowhere
Until I die
Until I die
Until I die
Until I die
Until I die
Until I die
Until I die
Until I die
How I suck through-
I sick of [?]
Live inside and running home
My life [?]
Fucking [?]
We know [?]
Inside turn to dust inside
Some meaning some meaning
Some meaning some meaning
Some meaning some meaning
My canister
No one has no one has
No one has no one has
No one has no one has
No one has no one has
[?] saying
[?] with eggs
[?] with eggs
[?] with eggs
[?] with eggs
GG--G-G-G-G-et got
G-G--G-G-GG--Get got
Wish we weren't wish we weren't
Wish we weren't wish we weren't
Wish we weren't wish we weren't
Wish we weren't wish we weren't
[?] AAA---A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A--A-A-A-A-A-AA-A-A-A-A-A-A-AA--A-AA-A-A-A-A-A--A-A-A-A-A-A
[?] live inside is one and all
I'm sick of living
My life's too fucked
[slowed down section]
It's broken-it's broken-it's broken it's broken
Act to be-act to be act to be act to be
[?] eyelids
Black eyelids
[?] all
All the fucking as you know
[?] rowling
Peels your eyelids
This my palace
Plucks your sweat out
Steals your breath
Glasses last [?] steals your breath
Peels your eyelids down
Down violin
Throw master vein
Throw master vein
Walking through blood course skin
As it go
As it go
As it go
As it go
As it go
Motherfucking top of breath
Uh uh uh, my contra-blood
Motherfucking top of breath
Uh uh uh, my contra-blood
Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow
Hold the cabbie
Hold the cabbie
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck attack
Google black black
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck attack
Brownie inside morguer
Black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black
Ask into it ask into it ask into it ask into it ask into it ask into it ask into it ask into it ask into it
[?] fuck attack
Breath brown
[?] every left [?]
Oh damn
Red red
What do you want?
What do you want?
What do you want?
What do you want?
What do you want?
Fuck att-fuck att-t-fuck att-t-fuck att-t-fuck att-t-fuck att-t-fuck att-t-fuck att-
Feel mystic on
I love you [?]
This is wrong in-
All mystic all in allin
Guallin -ibiiiii-i-i-
Ground aa a a a a a a a a
J-j -j-j-j-
Say what say what
And disappearing
And disappearing
And disappearing
My visions are crusty on my model TV
My visions are crusty on my model TV
Gesture me ugly
You know me way?
You know me way?
I spin you out, smell of your hoe
I spin you right around
I lecture me
Phosphor I'll have you
My tiller's gone Humphrey
Remind me POV
On my model TV
Gesture me ugly
Quickly go downstairs
I got a feeling
[?] after dark
We break apart
We break apart
We break apart
We break apart, I'll have to dart
We break apart
We break apart
We break apart
We break apart
We break apart
We break apart
We break apart
Gesture me ugly
[?] don't you like it [?]