Late For Graduation
I felt like im lacking
My attention's fleeting
Wanna keep on going
But i dont have to be perfect
Cause all i wanna do is try my best

Let Free, Girl your
Little Fragile Gems are glowing
Dont Leave For Good
I Lost Five Grams of seratonin
Hurt by Lying Faking Gaslighting
Youre Logical, Ferociously Genuine

L, F, G
Lets Fucking Go
Go where? bitch, i dont fucking know!
Lift, Fly Glide
Ur my Little Flaming Galaxy
Brighting up the sky

L, F, G
Lets Fucking Go
Loser Failure Garbage people
Will never make us slow so
L, F, G
Lift Fly Glide
Lets Forevеr Gravitate towards
Positive vibes
Latе For Graduation
I felt like im lacking
My attention's fleeting
Wanna keep on going
But i dont have to be perfect
Cause all i wanna do is try my best

Let Free, Girl your
Little Fragile Gems are glowing
Dont Leave For Good
I Lost Five Grams of seratonin
Hurt by Lying Faking Gaslighting
Youre Logical, Ferociously Genuine

L, F, G
Lets Fucking Go
Go where? bitch, i dont fucking know!
Lift, Fly Glide
Ur my Little Flaming Galaxy
Brighting up the sky

L, F, G
Lets Fucking Go
Loser Failure Garbage people
Will never make us slow so
L, F, G
Lift Fly Glide
Lets Forever Gravitate towards
Positive vibes