No Fire Only Smoke

Man is a strange creature
All his action are motivated by desire
His character forged by pain
As much he may try to suppress that pain
To repress desire
He cannot free himself from eternal servitude to his feelings
For as long as the storm rages within him
He cannot find peace
Not in life, Not in death


Wherever sought in this maze
Among them all, the senses rebel
The architects of all we hold dear
Desired, only to be left alone
Whenever the light takes hold
Only the night will answer

From nocuous hands to a bloodless mouth
Timid steps to awful ruins in
A heart more empty than the sun

Whatever sown just withers and dies
A harvest of defeat and defilade
Whenever words fail
A wound of its own making
From inmost sense to languid hope
To speak of love in solemn tones to
A heart more empty than the sun


But nothing is given for nothing:
I can take ending alone
Like I began. Just please
Don't ask me to remember