Buck Meek
Mood Ring
Blue moon, blue mood ring
The perfect pair of jeans, no tattoos
But she drew a face on everything
Sometimes she'd draw wings on you

Naked at the center of a pond
At midnight in The Bronx
Screaming "Hunter boy come on
The water's warm, be cool"

She pierced my ears in the green light
With ladybugs in flight
Silence spoke in white lies
Broken by our rite of truth

I dreamt we woke in flames
That night she dreamt the same
The fire burned our bed
Our bodies left woven and unscathed

Waking slowly with the bells
Our secrets told themselves
Making echoes in the well
We nearly fell into

Kissing only with our eyelids
Butterflies entwining
Laid down in a field of dead lilies
Felt our lives begin again