Staring right up at the clock
Haunting me with its tick tock
Wondering why can't I sleep?
This isn't how it needs to be
Countless hours pass me by
It's endless
Time has run me dry
This feeling kills me everyday
Just hope to god this goes away

Still this hasn't gone away
Counting every fucking day
Keep hearing all the screams
Silently invade my dreams
This hell, it keeps consuming me
Till I can't feel a fucking thing
Pray to god my soul to reap
Just give this night so I can sleep

Lay me to sleep
Counting sheep can't save me now
Lay me to sleep
All I wanna know is how
Lay me to sleep
How the fuck this happened to me
Just put me to sleep
And let the silence set me free
Nails in my hands
Pound them in my eyes
Nails in my hands
So I can sleep tonight