Jay Foreman
End of the Movie
Sirens are blaring, police everywhere
The loading stretcher while all the onlookers stare
Something terrible's happened, that's easy to tell
But since the police arrived all is well
The victim is shaken, afraid and alarmed
Covered in blood but essentially unharmed

End of the movie, end of the movie
Happens like this every time
End of the movie, end of the movie
Somehow everything's going to be fine

Everyone's tired, they've been up all night
The damage done will cost loads to put right
But the story's wrapped up and the baddies are dead
It's high-time that everyone went home to bed
It's officially over, we all celebrate
When the chief of police says "Let me get this straight"

End of the movie, end of the movie
Filmmakers always comply
End of the movie, end of the movie
Music begins and the credits go by