Jay Foreman
We Are the 0.01%
We stand together, we shall not be defeated
We're united forever, though our numbers are depleted
For generations we have stood
Throughout the bad, throughout the good
Although we've witnessed many brothers die

We are the 0.01%
That Domestos cannot kill
You can spray, you can scrub
But we'll stay in your tub
And tomorrow we'll be here still, yes
We are the 0.01%
And we shall not be ignored
Though we're only terribly small
You can never get rid of us all
And we'll stay til we get bored

Oh the horrors we have seen
In your foul attempts to clean
All my children and their friends from school have died
If you only stopped to think
While you're cleaning out the sink
You would realise you commit mass germicide

But we are the 0.01%
Where Domestos can't succeed
We are strong and we're great
For we spread and mutate
And evolve with frightening speed
We are the 0.01%
And there's nothing you can do
Wash your hands all you like
But one day we will strike
And do the same to you