Willy J "The Prisoner of Hope"
City of Dry Bones
Heavenly Father I pray that you guide my words
I pray that you anoint these words to reach to the masses who need you
This city needs you, we all need you
The city of dry bones

I come from a war zone where bullets fly and marijuana smoke thickens the air
Where tombstones are tagged on walls next to Chinese menues
Or simulated by candles and cardboard, rest in peace
The rest? In pieces as another loved one is lost due
To baby mama drama or a deal gone awry
Baby don't you cry it's the circle of life
Simba in the city being mentored by scar
You never think about it
But when you walk these streets, along with the trash and broken glass there's blood on these streets and they cry out like Abel
"My brother murdered"
Not by blood but by claim
At least that's how I think about it when I think of the name
The city of brotherly love
Where underground trains are veins filled with the stench of urine and pain
You're in pain everyday striving to survive and or thrive
But it all comes in vain
With the absence of a savior we remain a broken and fragile skeletal frame
We need oceanic speech filled with vitality and nutrients to restore these dry bones
No better than the Egyptians who seen Gods power but still questions his place on the throne
I love the Philly skyline especially at night
It's a beautiful luminous structure of man
But how much more can this city shine if we was to welcome the Son of Man
We are literally the walking dead and Rick Grimes can't put us out of our misery with some steel
Our souls peel from the drought with no liquid in sight barely any fruit so we chew on the peel
A city of bones and tombstone towers that reach to the skies but can't reach heaven
Bounded by sin and ignorance and we're striving to be the odd ones out odd perfection number 7
But where the femurs, torn ligaments and cracked skulls lay
Voices rise up begging for someone to show them the way
I am the way, the truth and the life
No one comes through the Father except through me
City of dry bones listen to the voice of Yeshua
Who is the living water
Come, drink and never thirst again