Off Book Cast
Shrug It Off
You're gonna be Atlas
Holding the world on your back
And the world is fucking heavy
And your back is probably gonna crack
You gotta be Atlas
But all you can do is shrug
Just shrug!
You got a big "Atlas ball"
Hanging around on your shoulders!
(A globe!)
Yeah your dream it's like
A big old boulder
But now that we've seen
That you're the only one who's great
We're sorry but
You must be crushed by your own fate
But you can shrug
(Shrug! Shrug it off!)
If you want to
(Atlas just shrugged!)
(Shrug it off!)
Shrug it off! Shruggy Shruggy!
The world can be hard
But you just fucking scoff
Atlas and shrug
Shrug it off!
[DEVON (spoken)]
This makes a lot of sense you guys. This reminds me of all that stuff my dad said about, you know, those books he reads about the makers and the takers. Maybe it's time that I acted like a maker, and I just shrug off all those takers!
[STEVE (spoken)]
Yeah! Anything that's been given to you, throw it away, and build up your own fame by yourself, because the people that are rich, they're rich because they're the best people!
[JENNY (spoken)]
Steve! Wow! I thought all you knew about was football!
[STEVE (spoken)]
No! I also know about Any Rand-ian philosophy
I gotta be strong
(Gotta be strong!)
To carry this burden
But just strong enough to shrug it off when I'm hurtin'
(Shruggy, shruggy, shrug it off!)
Which is a kind of ball
But it's got oceans and countries
And everything, and that's all
I'm gonna just shrug
(Devon shrug!)
Gonna shrug it off
(Shrug it off!)
I'm Atlas!
And here go my shoulders
Up and off!
(Up and off!)
Shruggin' it off!
(Shruggin' it off!)
I got my shoulders up around my ears
And that ball is sailin' away
I'm gonna shrug it off!
(Shrug it off!)