Off Book Cast
Put Yourself First
Ooh just relax
Sink into your car seat
Just relax
Let all the tension leave your feet
But not all the tension
Put a little bit
On the parking break
(Pull over?)
Now sit back and take care of yourself
For once for heaven's sake
Put yourself first
(Put myself first)
You are number one
(I'll put myself first
'Cause I am number one)
Put yourself first (Put myself first)
Responsibility is dumb
(Put myself first)
'Cause you are number one
[CTZN RADIO (spoken)]
Ooh, we have a caller! Hey, caller
[CALLER (spoken)]
Hey there, I just got home. I yelled at my kid and, well I crushed his dreams and I drove home by myself and I gotta say: It felt real good, but not as good as it could've felt?
[CTZN RADIO (spoken)]
Oh, yeah, I hear you baby. But first, let me say congratulations-
[CALLER (spoken)]
Why thank you!
[CTZN RADIO (spoken)]
- for putting your damn kids in their place!
[CALLER (spoken)]
It's great!
[PARENT 1 (spoken)]
This conversation is so apropos to what I'm feeling!
You know? All I wanna say is
You're feeling that sensation
But I want to go back and first say
"Hey congratulations!"
Because those kids you know they're just
An anchor around your neck
You said
"Daddy's number one
Walk home kids
I hate you all to heck!"
(Ooh, put yourself first) First!
(Cause you're number one) Number one!
(That guy put himself first) First!
('Cause he's number one) Oh, oh, oh, oh!
And maybe soon your parenting
It will soon be done
And then you can forever be first
'Cause you are number one
[PARENT 1 (spoken)]
Ooh, I'm interested where that train of thought led to
[CALLER (spoken)]
I think I get what you're saying. I should sort of emancipate myself from my children.
[CTZN RADIO (spoken)]
That's right. They're all just takin' and takin' and takin'. If they're old enough to make a sandwich, say goodbye forever kids!
[CALLER (spoken)]
I mean, are there no orphanages? Are there no work houses?
[CTZN RADIO (spoken)]
That's right! If they want, they can get a job.
[PARENT 1 (spoken)]
In an orphanage! Oh I don't know why I'm talking to them, they can't hear me. They're having a radio conversation
[CALLER (spoken)]
What was that pause all about? Hey, thanks CTZN Radio!
[CTZN RADIO (spoken)]
You're welcome! CTZN radio puts you first, so that CTZN radio can put itself first.
C-T-Z-N Radio
[CTZN RADIO (spoken)]
Unrelated, please donate money so that we can keep airing
We're having a pledge drive!