Lil clipZ
MEME GODS (skit)
Lil clipZ - hey eclippz, whatcha doin
Eclippz - editing a video
Lil clipZ - what video
Eclippz - it's a video about pranks, you know how their fake and everything
Lil cilpZ - alright cool
Eclippz - do you think you can make a song real quick?
Lil clipZ - yeah
Eclippz - just look up "pranks" on youtube and put random titles into it
Lil clipZ - alright


Eclippz - ahh damn
Lil clipZ - what
Eclippz - damn the file got corrupt
Lil clipZ - oof, that's unfortunate for the both of us
Eclippz - why
Lil clipZ - i just finished the song too
Eclippz - why don't you just put it on memes, you can use another song before you put it out
Lil clipZ - oh yeah but i gotta start recording
Eclippz - so do it