Streiht Up Menace (Freestyle)
There are things I want to say, but I know I cannot
I do not want to get into conflict, so I am in disguise
My friend got shot, he was bleeding and the police finally arrived
At school, friends, in the hallway, exchanging blows with each other
My associate acting suspicious, need to stop rubbing elbows with my friend
Who is going to be there with me when I am feeling lonely?
No one is flawless, all human beings go wrong
Just want tranquility with my jewelry on
Watched police officers put handcuffs on criminals
Been to school with lawbreakers and ruffians
Knowledgeable about many things, I am not uneducated
Recollect days I was hungry, but I had something to consume
Need to terminate my assignments, cannot be slothful
Need extra science, refuse to be uninformed about things I want to be versed in
Not asocial, just need to spend time by myself
Predominantly a rational person, do not get abundantly emotional
Not a doormat, if I disagree, I will express how I feel
If my sweetheart is unfaithful to me, just going to forsake her
I am not going to kill her and go to the penitentiary
Have to play the game, do not go to the lockup or jailhouse
Do not care if you are homosexual, or bisexual, I am not homophobic
As long as you an affable wight, it does not matter to me
Respect my sexual orientation and I will respect yours
Grandma living in poverty and smoking cigarettes
Look a man in his orbs, that is what I was taught
Do not shake hands with my sinistral, shake it with my dextral
Get wounded and it may get videotaped, people need that money
Driving on the interstate highway, people assaulting each other
Know them females that are gorgeous and can brawl like Mehgan James
It is wild in the neighborhood where my family live
People are impecunious and living in a public housing
People that bully others are insecure
Watch people actions, cannot let them suck me in
Seen addicts and prostitutes in the streets
Was the class clown back in middle school and liked to raise a laugh
By that time, I was immature, but now I am mature
Expressed most of my anger, not that angry like I was in the past
Cannot hold all the anger inside, have to release it
Was insulted, but the words does not affect me like it did before
Do not care what people think about me, but I care about people