We Will Worship
This I Know (Ungizungezile)
Sometimes I feel you
Sometimes I don't
Sometimes I'll hear you

Sometimes I won't
But this I know
With all my heart
With all my soul

Ungizungezile ngasemuva nanaphambili
(You surround me behind and before)
Wabele' isandla sakho phezukwami
(You've places your hand on me)
Ungizungezile ngasemuva nanaphambili
(You surround me behind and before)
Wabele' isandla sakho phezukwami
(You've places your hand on me)

When you feel distant
And darkness near
My faith is wading
Through doubt and fear

This I know
With all my heart
With all my soul

Ungizungezile ngasemuva nanaphambili
(You surround me behind and before)
Wabele' isandla sakho phezukwami
(You've places your hand on me)
Ungizungezile ngasemuva nanaphambili
(You surround me behind and before)
Wabele' isandla sakho phezukwami
(You've places your hand on me)

Uyangihlolisisa uyangazi
(You have searched me and you know me)
Ukahlala nokuvuka kwami uyakwaz
(You know my sitting and my rising)

Uyangihlolisisa uyangazi
(You have searched me and you know me)
Ukahlala nokuvuka kwami uyakwaz
(You know my sitting and my rising)

Ungizungezile ngasemuva nanaphambili
(You surround me behind and before)
Wabele' isandla sakho phezukwami
(You've places your hand on me)

Ungizungezile ngasemuva nanaphambili
(You surround me behind and before)
Wabele' isandla sakho phezukwami
(You've places your hand on me)

Uyangihlolisisa uyangazi
(You have searched me and you know me)
Ukahlala nokuvuka kwami uyakwaz
(You know my sitting and my rising)