Takoma Smith
Love me like you’re grown
Oh baby I love you
But please be a man
I wanna fall in love with a man
And not think my soulmate is a boy
Please don’t make me fall in love
With a grown man that acts like he’s 10
Please be a man
So I can love you like a man
I don’t want my soulmate to be a boy
Who acts like he’s 10
I really love my men
Baby you’re my soulmate
Please be a man
So I can love you love like a man
Oh baby
The things that we do in bed
Ain’t no kid can do
So baby act like you’re grown
So I can do some
Things head to toe
Let me work my magic on you
Hey I wanna smoke weed
But please don’t act like a teen
Who always have to say their high
When we really don’t give a fuck