Big Shaq
Man's Not Hot but it's Verbose
[Verse 1]
Adding two instances of the numerical value of two to each other produces the sum of four
Subtracting one from this sum results in the number three
I have just demonstrated an example of the study of numbers done in a speedy fashion
On each passing day the individual is located on the solid cube of hard material
Ignite large organisms of the plant kingdom on fire and slowly inhale the collection of airborne particulates generated from the combustion
I watch and observe that individual that identifies as the female gender in the area of natural space set aside for human enjoyment
After taking everything into consideration I conclude that that particular female is an "uckers"
When the distinct inanimate object generated the sound similar to the sound ducks produce, exactly three times
You, a male human being, were lowering your body quickly so as to hide yourself
Human individual that chooses to identify himself as "Azsnee", please wait and do not perform any actions for now
The fellow person of the male sex is the sole owner of the object I refer to as "pumpee"
Other fellow male human being that I own, please also wait a bit and refrain from doing anything
The other fellow individual possesses a flat disc-shaped item that can fly long distances in the air when thrown with strength and given a spin
I proceed to lure an entity into a planted device designed to catch it, three consecutive times
And I do this on the piece of paved land designed to allow large vehicles to be driven on it
I transport and set into motion the popular breakfast cereal called "Corn Flakes"
I now randomly mention the name of another well known cereal "Rice Krispies"
Just like I instructed the two previous humans, I also advise you, the person of the female sex that belongs to me, that goes by the name of "Whitney", to stand by and remain in readiness
While on the paved route I am currently creating ten appendages that typically protrude out of the foot of animals that have feet
I ask you to please enjoy and be fond of my pedal digits
You, a masculine adult, held the belief that the water in my body had cooled down and changed its physical state to that of a solid