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8:13 am
小林不動產 (TLP)
日没前 (The Apocalypse is Nigh) (Live at MacPherson Stadium 2021)
燎原 (Blazed A Way)
若葉之年 (Leafy)
~旋轉with me* & 不小心戀上我
先哭為敬 (First Tear Last Salute)
妖 (Fairy Godmonster)
日没前 (The Apocalypse is Nigh)
海妖 (Sirens) (Live at MacPherson Stadium 2021)
網絡安全隱患 (G-Spot)
長期浪漫ゲーム (Long Romance Game)
Drink’n Dance
Drink’n Dance (Live at MacPherson Stadium 2021)
hey there
灰黛/Lady Grey
粉碎糖果屋 (Hansel And Gretel)
網絡安全套 (G-Spot Condom)
越活越惹禍 (Go Gwendolyn)
CH Energy Mantra (Like, Whatever)
Don’t Text Him (Just Kiss Him) (Live at MacPherson Stadium 2021)
溝晒啲仔 (All My Bois)
豔后/Evil Queen
離原 (Run, Gwendolyn, Run)
~旋轉with me* (~Spin With Me*)
maid of tears
抑鬱十二月 (Depressing December)
油尖旺金毛玲 (Kowloon Blondie Ling)
現代戀愛安全手冊 (Love 101)
笛女/Piperess’s Revenge
純孩兒 (Pippi Longstocking)
網絡安全隱患 (G-Spot) (Live at MacPherson Stadium 2021)
青春頌 (Youth Anthem)
you’re safe now
小紅/Lil’ Red
我可唔可以唔好咁樣 (Could I Not Be Like This)
獲得一個生命 (Get a life)
蘇菲亞的波霸珍珠奶茶 (Sofia’s Boba Milk Tea)
要做更壞的事 (Try My Worst)
越活越惹禍 (Go Gwendolyn) (Live at MacPherson Stadium 2021)
slow dance with me
每次你捉住我隻手衝紅燈我都想死 (Crossing Red Lights)
繼續玩 (A Little Game)
離原 (Run, Gwendolyn, Run) (Live at MacPherson Stadium 2021)
亡國妖姬/La Femme Du Mal
忘鳥愛 (Forget That Sad Birdie)
要做更壞的事 (Try My Worst) (Live at MacPherson Stadium 2021)
長期浪漫 (Long Romance)
I’m Fine, Thx.
不要那清晨露水 (Dew Nay)
先哭為敬 (First Tear Last Salute) (尾班車 Last Train Version)
天雷 (Falter) (Live at MacPherson Stadium 2021)
I’d Like a Drink
日月無光 (Darkening) (Live at MacPherson Stadium 2021)
水星 Water
獲得一個生命 (Get a life) (Explicit)
青春荒廢 (Wasting Youth)
菖蒲色歌 (Purple Song)
邪童謠Medley : 亡國妖姬 / 豔后 / 灰黛 / 小紅 (Live at MacPherson Stadium 2021)
That’s Why the 響鈴 is 趣緻 (Live at MacPherson Stadium 2021)
哀樂無名 (Untold Emotions)
Pink Song
~旋轉with me* (~Spin With Me*) (Live at MacPherson Stadium 2021)
Don’t Text Him
I’m Fine, Thx. (Live at MacPherson Stadium 2021)
不知道甚麼時候 (I Know Not When)
我在流浮山滴眼水.jpg (Pure and True) (Live at MacPherson Stadium 2021)
放棄治療 (You Go Gurl)
Diamond Mine (Live at MacPherson Stadium 2021)
忽 Eat All
Let Us Go Then You and I
你不再想跟我看戲 (You Dun Wanna Watch Movies With Me Anymore)
Let Us Go Then You and I (Live at MacPherson Stadium 2021)
忽 Eat All (Live at MacPherson Stadium 2021)
油尖旺金毛玲 (Kowloon Blondie Ling) (Live at MacPherson Stadium 2021)
Pink Song (Live at MacPherson Stadium 2021)
Diamond Mine
Don’t Text Him (Just Kiss Him)
If i die tonight (Live in Hong Kong 2022)
Into the Forest
Serrini - Serrini in Paris (中文翻譯)
Serrini in Paris
Sweet Sweet Christmas
~旋轉with me* (~Spin With Me*) (简体字/Simplified Characters)
天雷 (Falter)
我在流浮山滴眼水.jpg (Pure and True)
我在流浮山滴眼水.jpg (Pure and True) (简体字/Simplified Characters)
是你呀, it’s you.
樹 (Tree)
樹仔 (Tree Baby)
樹木真美 (kiki mami)
精神流亡 (Spirited Away)
網絡安全隱患 (G Spot) (简体字/Simplified Characters)
自由散步 (Free Walk)
要做更壞的事 (Try My Worst) (简体字/Simplified Characters)
誅神的黃昏 (Ragnarökr)
趣緻的響鈴 (Drunk Text Me)
離原 (Run, Gwendolyn, Run) (简体字/Simplified Characters)
靜靜 (Shhhhh)