Danny Gonzalez
This video is over now (outro song)
This video is over now
(over now)
Go find something else watch
(or just watch this video again)
I know we had a lot of fun
(a lot of fun)
But you can’t stay on this end screen forever
This video is over now
(over now)
So why are you still watching this?
(do you not have anything else to do)
I have lots of other videos
(that you can watch)
And I’m sure you’ll enjoy them just as much
(I hope)
Now I'm actually kinda concerned
Did something horrible happen to you?
Did you leave the room and forget you were watching YouTube
When you come back I bet you’re gonna be pretty confused
(I would be too)
Hey, are you subscribed to my channel?
If you’re not, you should totally subscribe to my channel
And even if you're already subscribed to my channel
You could tell a couple friends to go subscribe to my channel
Because this video is over now
(over now)
Go find something else to watch
(or just watch this video again)
I know we had a lot of fun
(a lot of fun)
But you can’t stay on this end screen forever
This video is over now
(over now)
I’m amazed that you’re still watching this
(I don't understand why)
It’s almost like you’re tryna prove a point
(but I don’t know what that point is)
Or you think there’s gonna be something special at the end
But there’s not