Naruto is the best anime, because we have
Ninja kid and his friends and there trying to be ninja and there like oof and They disapper
And they fight bad guys and there like oof die bad guys and than Naruto gets hit
So theres blood everywhere and Naruto eats ramen a lot and he can turn into some wolf thing
I think I don't know or maybe that was someone else I don't know
Um Naruto runs really fast he goes woosh and uh he can clone himself and throw himself
Than Naruto gets married and has a son and his son is better than him because nae nae dab
Naruto just dabs on the haters
I don't what i'm saying I've only watched like one episode of Naruto so I don't know what i'm saying
I've also played Naruto on Roblox so whatever i'm saying problary true.