Amy Annelle
Rudy lives next door to me
In a box lit by
Fluorescent lights
He wears brown corduroys
And glasses
With dirty yellow lenses
And sometimes I catch him
Watching me
Through my windows at night

He drives a rusty Oldsmobile
And parks it by the dumpster
I've looked inside and seen
The greasy velvet seats
I don't know where he goes
Or who he knows
Who would get in that car
And drive with him
Along these dark and lonely city streets

Now the only things I know about Rudy
Is what I learn from watching him
Like once when he was pushing
A girl on a swing at the park
In the day it's ok because other people
Might be watching Rudy too
But it scares me to think
Of seeing him in the dark
It scares me to think
Of seeing him in the dark

Now he wouldn't say a word
He'd just take my hand
And lead me to that car
And we'd drive
Into the heart
Of the city as she sleeps
And in the darkness
Between streetlights
He can look up and see
A few stars

With a wish
He could tell me
All his secrets
With a wish
He could tell me
All his secrets
Just a wish
And he tells me
All his secrets