The Spirit of the Beehive
Mono Light Crash
[Paddy Murphy arrived in Boston's Logan Airport and wandered about the terminal with tears streaming down his face. A Texan asked him if he was homesick. No, replied the Irishman. It's worse [?]. I've lost all me luggage. Uh oh, how did that happen? The cork fell out.]

(smoke in the basement to keep yourself warm. it's all in your head. it's all in your head. hell is a mirror. hell is a mirror. you know it don't have to be this way when you feel cleaner. nothing has to make sense to you. but no one's making you do anything.)

[pulled over on the side of the road. highway, exit 49. i think i may have hit something with my car. check the tires. check the windshield wipers. could be human. could be rodent. i just don't know what to believe anymore.]

(something in the trees at night. fragments of your dream, not mine. i'll always be near your mind. something through the beam of light.)